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August 23, 2009

Take Me Back To Back Colorado

So this summer I have been to Colorado 3 times. Yes, you heard me right- 3 times! Funny ho wit all worked out because all 3 times were with different people and for different reasons.

Trip #1: Family Reunion

Our famous Tippets Family Reunion. It's actually called the Brigham Lewis Tippets Jr. Family Reunion. He was my Great-Grandfather from Cowley, Wy. My mother's mother's father. Anyway, there are about 200+ of us now, but we still get together for one weekend every 3 years. We always meet somewhere different, and this year it was high in the Colorado Rockies at a YMCA. It was fun- But definitely colder than I was used to over the 4th of July Weekend! Here are the highlights!
Here is picture that my brother Tyler took from the 4th of July. Pretty Good huh? I have to say it was so weird watching the fireworks and seeing your breath because it was so cold!

Here are Tyler and I enjoying another not so fabulous dinner at the YMCA cafeteria. Gotta love cafeteria food!
Tyler, my cousin Jeremy and I are in the car during a treacherous mountain pass where just reach 11,000 ft. (Hence the 11)

Trip #2: Durango With The Raleigh's

We have some really good family friends that we see every summer. Sometimes we go down to visit them in San Diego, and sometimes they come up to Utah. This time they came here to Utah. Their son Dane just got home from his mission, so this was a trip to celebrate his homecoming. After staying with us for a few days, we all got in the car and headed down to Colorado. Durango to be exact. We went river rafting, and over to Mesa Verde to check out the old Pre-Puebloian Native American Ruins. It was tons of fun and very cool!

Ranger Bill, Tyler and I at Mesa Verde- pretty cool place with tons of history.

Here are all 8 of us at the Utah-Colorado border. Kind of cheesy I know. Super windy that day.

Tyler and I were on a separate raft from everyone else. I think we got the better ride though.

My parents and the Raleigh's just in case you were wondering. :)

Trip #3: LeAnne's Wedding!

So my good friend LeAnne got married this past weekend, so a bunch of us took a road trip out to Denver. Technically she lives in Golden, CO which is only 20 min past Denver. It was great to be there to share that experience with her. I wish I could say that I got to do a little more sight seeing- but at least we made it to downtown Denver which is now one of my favorite cities. Denver is so cool! Here are the highlights.

Sorry they're all mixed up! :)

LeAnne's Wedding- you know Bridesmaid Pics!

Denver At Night! The Skyline is in the background- this is actually inside their Arts Center.

Aura Maria & Posing in Downtown Denver.

LeAnne & Risto just married.


Jess said...

Fun times!

I totally know Risto! We were pretty good friends before I got married.

Kirstin - Klinton - Max - Krieg Starr said...

SO fun to look at your blog...I haven't visited for a while and for that I apologize. Looks like you are stll having fun with everything you do! And your wedding cake was beautiful. I think you have only gotten better since the cake we made, and well...I have digressed. If you notice, on my blog the pictures of the latest instalment that is the crazy cake for Klinton's birthday.