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May 26, 2010

Adventures with Grandma

Interesting fact- My grandmother is 95 years old. Actually 95 years, 8 months and two days to be exact. And she still lives by herself- yep that's right. She was even still driving herself up until 3 years ago. She is definitely an independent woman. And very cool- she has travelled all over the world. Born in what has to be the smallest town in Wyoming (Cowley), she has lived all over the place. South Dakota, NY, California, Hawaii, Afganistan, Somalia, Kenya and now she lives just down the street from us.

Being in pretty good health considering her age, she is starting becoming quite fragile and forgets a lot more of what she used to. The best part about this is that every time we see her she says something uncommonly funny. And once a week my brother and I head over to her house to vacuum and clean her 3 story condo.

Every now and then, she will spit out the funniest phrases and I have no idea where she comes up with. While we were over cleaning this morning I was reminded of something she said at our family reunion on the road to Colorado last summer. She said, and I quote:  "You passed us up on the freeway like a dirty t-shirt!" What that means- I have no idea. Oh Grandma I love you!

PS- I had a really hard time finding a picture with a dirty old t-shirt in the middle of the road- this was the best I could do.

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