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June 8, 2010

Dance Cravings

Since my blog is called "Dancing With Megan Judd" I thought I should talk about dancing a little bit. Ever since I graduated I get these odd dance cravings. They come out of no where and I keep thinking about them until I satisfy the craving. Like having a craving for watermelon when it's only November.

For example: I will get a craving to be in fan position and then I want to close it.  Or my latest one is I really want to do a loop, put up my left arm and do pivots or a run around or something. Weird right? Does that happen to anyone else?

I think it stems from missing dance. Teaching is fun, but it's not the same. Social dancing is fun too- but sometimes I really want to learn a new routine and do some hard core latin or standard or smooth or rythm or whatever. Be challenged a little you know?

Doesn't this picture make you have a craving to be dipped?

Maybe I should have titled this "Dance Withdrawls" instead of "Dance Cravings"!

I had to put this in: Check out this random picture I found of Travis and Allie when I googled for  "pictures of a couple ballroom dancing" Way to go guys- you look great! AHHH- makes me want to do a same foot lunge in my smooth dress. Sigh.

1 comment:

Garrett said...

Hope you can always dance, Megan!

And yay for Travis and Allie! That's kind of random!