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October 2, 2008

First post ever- well, technically second with words.

So due to popular demand (and maybe just a little bit out of boredom) I decided to write my first post on my blog. I know I don't have a huge fan base but those of you who know about my blog, (you know who you are :) No longer do you have to sit and watch me do the samba over and over again.

Truth be told, I only created a blog because I was applying for a dance teaching job at a University, and I didn't want to clutter my blog with my personal life. Now, that that job and several others have come and gone, I decided that I might as well throw caution to the wind, and let you in on my life.

So this summer has been quite eventful, filled with various activities that are probably too numerous and most of them too boring to go through each one. But I will talk about my new love. I think I may just be head over heels, and smitten with excitement. In fact I just came back from wonderful weekend at Bear Lake and the most romantic sunset cruise. That's right my new love is sailing!!! A sport that has deep roots within my family, and we were fortunate enough this year to buy a 1988 Hobie Cat 16. This boat was actually a national champion, and boy does it live up to its name.

To explain this a little further, a Hobie (as we call it), is like the sporty model for sailboats. It has two hulls that float in the water like pontoons, and then you sit on a trampoline that is stretched across the two hulls. There is one mast, that supports the main sail, and the jib (the smaller sail). And it is so much fun! It's pretty addicting if you do it once you just want to keep on going. Maybe someday soon I'll even load some pictures of us and the boat so you can get a better feeling of my tender feelings toward those bright blue and yellow sails.

So I just got back from an almost perfect weekend in Bear Lake. If you ever want to simplify and de-stress your life I highly recommend taking a couple of days and going sailing at Bear Lake. You just can't beat the Caribbean-like blue water with the breeze that will carry you from one shore to the next. There's other feeling like sailing. The rush of the wind through your hair, the hum of the sail flapping in the wind, and exhilaration of the world rolling past and time standing still.

Although I have learned a lot about sailing I still feel like I could use a lot more knowledge and practice in this sport. But my practice will just have to wait until next year, being now October and the season has come to a close. But I know I will wait with anticipation to get back to my new love next season.

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