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October 10, 2008

Second Post- Voting, California, Prop 8

So here goes- my second official post- I think I'm on a roll! The other night I got a call from someone in my ward and he said..."You have a special meeting to go to for Californians tomorrow night." So of course my curiosity peaked as to what this "special meeting" could possibly be about. But as I soon found out it was to raise awareness and a call to action for Proposition 8. I was not aware of the importance this Proposition holds in the California law. I'm sure most of you have heard all about it, and for those of you who haven't I've included a link for the website with more information that can explain it better than I can.

If I was still considered a resident of California I would get my absentee ballot and vote, but since I'm here in Utah, I'll just try to spread the word- But if you are still in California-Please vote 'Yes' for Proposition 8!!


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