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December 9, 2008

I know, so long overdue

Yes- it's true it has been 4 weeks since my last post! Yikes! I 'm still trying to work on being a better blogger! So my readers, (all 4 or 5 of you :) just to let you know that I'm doing OK and haven't dropped off the face of the earth- I wanted to post a new blog today and show you some projects I have been working on in my absence.

I have recently become interested in making videos, and I'm really enjoying learning all about what it takes to make better commercials and shorts etc. I whipped up this short video while I was testing out a new program on the computer, and my family liked it so much we decided to send it out as part of our Christmas card. So you guys will be the first to preview it. I actually have another short 1 min film that includes our entire family- but I've run into some bugs with that one and I will post it when I have it ready so stay tuned.

This video is actually of just my dad and my brother, and their sailing adventures this past year.

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