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March 1, 2009

Yesterday Amber (best friend/cousin) asked me if I would be willing to take some engagement pictures for her and Han. I said "Of Course"! It was actually a lot of fun, I haven't had a chance to get out and take some fun pictures of people in a long time. Amber were Han were very fun and playful the whole time and as I found out when I got home they are also very photogenic! We raced against the sun as we only had about half an hour before we lost our light. So here are some of my favorites that I put together really quickly for them- check it out.


Jess said...

At first glance I totally thought that was you kissing some guy. It made my mind spin (mostly because I hadn't heard about this guy you were supposedly kissing). :)
Those are awesome pictures! Way to go!

Megan Judd said...

You know that's funny because a lot of people tell us we look a lot alike, and we have a hard time seeing it. But I feel it's like a compliment!