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March 11, 2010

Spring Is In the Air

OK so I don't know about you, but I have had the worst spring fever ever this year! Every morning I wake up with the hope that I will walk out the door and be pleasantly surprised by a rush of at least somewhat warm air. So far- no go. But I still have the hope! I also find myself constantly day dreaming about doing summer things. Swimming, sailing, wearing shorts, drinking smoothies, going for bike rides, picnics in the park, ice cream cones in the convertible, etc, etc. You get the picture. Will summer come soon enough?

Maybe I need a vacation!! Any suggestions?


Rich said...

Austin, TX

I've only spent a few hours there on a road trip, but super fun city. Mayhaps the best city Texas.

Carrie Richins said...

Come to Miami!

Just a thought.

It was 78 today.

Kirstin - Klinton - Max - Krieg Starr said...

you are so awesome, I don't visit your blog enough and you are amazing. I completely agree with the spring fever. I know it is like this every year, but I am so sick of this house, I want to take my boys outside to play at the park. Today is too cold for May. I have no warm suggestions though.

Megan Judd said...

Rich- I'll have to check out Austin. I've heard great things about Texas, but never been there!

Carrie- You know I'd love to go to Miami! Can I just say I'm always jealous when you talk about the weather there? And I see the beautiful backgrounds in some of your pictures.

Kirstin- I just read your comment- I totally agree. It's way to cold for it to be May! Come On summer- I'm ready to go! :)