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December 22, 2008

My New Christmas Card

So about 5 or 6 years ago I had an idea for a short movie. I heard this song (which in case you are curious it is the theme song for an old TV show called Thirty Something- I've never seen it) and then I knew I wanted it to be a movie that featured everyone in our family. So just about a month ago I rediscovered the song- and decided to make my vision come to life. After working on my parents and my brother liked it so much we decided to send it out as our Christmas card this year. So about 20 hours later (I know ridiculous right?) and here it is: you guys are the first to preview it!

PS- I hope this one actually works this time- I have to apologize for my first video for some reason I can't seem to export it with sound.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Rich said...

Awesome video, Megan! I really liked it! Merry Christmas! (So! Many! Exclamation! Points!!!)